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Barium, Aluminium and Calcium are the main inoculating elements in this Ferro-Silicon based master alloy. The narrow range of composition of themaster alloy allied to the total amount of inoculating elements produces a veryconsistent inoculating effect which gives vast improvements within the castiron microstructure. Barium has the added benefit of delaying inoculant fade.These inoculants are available as 67 and 72% Si-based ferroalloys with defined levels of barium and calcium.


  • Fade resistant inoculant
  • Used in grey and ductile iron
  • Very effective in low S grey iron
  • Positive effect on slag formation in ductile iron
  • Effective inoculant for alloyed irons such as Ni-resist
  • Especially effective as a preconditioner or as first step inoculation
  • High Si inoculants are more effective than low Si inoculants
  • Available sizes
    1. 2 - 6 mm
  • 0.7 - 3 mm
  • 0.2 - 0.7 mm

*Special sizes available on request.

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