The main purpose of inoculation is to achieve best mechanicalĂ‚Â
properties and optimum
machinability characteristics by:
1. Control of graphite structure.
2. Elimination or reduction of chill/carbide.
3. Reduction of casting section sensitivity.
Barium, Aluminium and Calcium are the main inoculating elements in this Ferro-Silicon based master alloy. The narrow range of composition of themaster alloy
Rare Earths along with Bismuth, Calcium and to a lesser extent Aluminum arethe inoculating elements in this Ferro-Silicon based master alloy. Thecombination
Strontium is the main inoculating element of this alloy which is based on a Ferro-Silicon master alloy. The high silicon content of about 75 % Silicon leads
Zirconium and Strontium are the main inoculating elements of this alloy whichis based on a Ferro-Silicon master alloy. The high silicon content of about 75 %
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