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Promat- Hydraulic wedges

The PROMAT hydraulic foundry wedges, realized to break risers and casting branches, represent an essential tool for foundries. Manufactured by ProService s.r.l., they consist of a wedge which is moved by a hydraulic power pack. On the grounds of the deep experience in the foundry field, ProService has conceived an innovative machine, with features which allow overcoming the traditional problems bound up with the use of hydraulic wedges. The parts, realized with care and attention, are more lasting than the ones of the traditional wedges. Both the cylinder and the ram are manufactured from a single piece of material, to provide the machine with the strength needed to operate at more than 300 bar pressures. Even if the wedge has been conceived to bear heavy loads for a long time, a joystick gives it great handiness and facility in the movements. The ease of handling derives by the position of the two rotation axis on the centre of gravity of the hydraulic wedge and by the presence of a ball bearing, which allow to rotate the wedge in every direction, reducing strain on the operator and increasing the productivity. Moreover, the symmetric design allows even the left-handed operators to easily work.



The hydraulic wedge PROMAT can be used to break off almost any riser, giving

good results both in quickness (high number of spreading cycles per minute) and in size of

the risers.


The PROMAT hydraulic wedge is able to rotate in every direction without any

strain on operator, thanks to the position of the two axis on its centre of gravity and to the presence of a ball bearing.

Quality and reliability

High quality materials and special design make the parts of the PROMAT hydraulic

wedge very durable, reducing their replacement at minimum.


The great flexibility of PROMAT hydraulic wedges allows to use them

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